Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Utter Irony

I don't normally do two in one day, but I just had to comment on this.

Does anyone else find this ironic?

On Sept. 12, 2006, Pope Benedict XVI, in a speech at Regensburg University, Germany, said that “Islamic holy war was against God's nature and invited Muslims to join in a peaceful cultural dialogue.” Now, to be honest, it is not this statement that has drawn the most attention. It was a quote from a 14th-century Byzantine emperor, Manuel II Paleologos, about Islam that has gotten the most press. Quoting Paleologos, the pope said, “Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.”

The response has been dramatic and predictable. Despite the fact that the pope has apologized for the comment, Islam (and not necessarily the extremist portion, but a larger cross section this time) has reacted … violently. Pakistan’s National Assembly passed a resolution condemning the remarks. Official protests have come from Palestinian authorities, Syria, Lebanon, and Iran among others. But the official responses are but the tip of the iceberg. A nun was murdered in Africa. Marchers are carrying signs about destroying Rome. Churches in various places have been attacked, Christians killed, and violence is growing.

Isn’t it ironic that a call to peaceful dialogue that includes the suggestion that Islam might have had some aspect of violence is met with violence? I mean, the pope’s point was against violence, but seems to have produced the violence that is being protested. Utter irony.


  1. Stan:

    Every perceived slight is met with arms and violence by the Religion of Perpetual Outrage.

    You might check out this blog I ran across the other day:


    Some anonymous blogger...

  2. Islamic holy war was against God's nature and invited Muslims to join in a peaceful cultural dialogue.

    I clicked on this link twice today trying to read it but couldn't get on, do you have an alternate link?

  3. Laurie,

    I fixed it. It works now. (Sorry for the error.)


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