Monday, September 25, 2006

Understanding Men

Ladies, I have a gift for you. I am about to share with you a secret about how men think. So closely guarded is this secret that I would venture that most men aren't conscious of it. However, their lack of awareness doesn't negate either the truth of the secret nor the effective use of it.

First, I need to make a disclaimer. This is a generalization. For all generalizations there are exceptions. However, the nature of the "exception" is that it is exceptional, uncommon, unusual, not the norm. Therefore, this generalization, by definition, will be generally true and, thus, of use to most women who have relationships with men. Indeed, for you wives, if you take this secret to heart and use it properly, it is almost a surefire way to adultery proof your marriage.

Have I got your attention? Good. So, here it is. Most people think that the one thing most men want more than anything else is sex. This is not true. There is one thing that almost every man wants above all else including sex: significance. Men want, above all else, to be "somebody", to be recognized, respected, valued.

Hard to believe? Well, let's look at the evidence. Look at the large numbers of men who spend a large amount of money at strip clubs. For the most part, there is no actual sex going on at strip clubs. The vast majority of men at strip clubs are there for one reason. Some cute little honey is putting on an act for him. What is the act? That she finds him attractive, desireable ... somebody. It isn't the sexual attraction; it's the sense of being desired that brings men back. The same is generally true of the men hooked on porn. It is the rush of feeling desired that these actresses give them that brings them back time and again. Or look at the crime of rape. The experts will tell you time and again that it's not about sex; it's about ... power. Rape is perpetrated by demented men in search of being significant. Or look at the standard young man with loose morals. How does he view his sexual exploits? Okay, not fair ... I just gave you the answer. He doesn't see his sexual relations with multiple women as sexual satisfaction. He sees them as exploits. He sees them as conquests, deeds of notable feat. And why do so many middle-aged men undergo their "mid-life crisis"? According to those who have studied this phenomenon, the reason men between 40 and 60 often undergo this event is that they find themselves on the downhill side of their lives and realize they haven't achieved what they intended to achieve. He is in a crisis of insignicance.

Now, many people think that this is a problem of "low self-esteem". This is a mistake. It isn't a problem of men with low self-esteem. It is the basic nature of males. Men are designed to want significance. They have a variety of ways that they deal with this desire, but it is intrinsic to being male. It isn't "low self-esteem"; it is being a male human being.

So ... what's a woman to do? I'm speaking here to wives, primarily. It's really a simple thing. How it is worked out is up to you, but the premise is easy even if the application is individual. What men need, whether or not they are aware of it, is the feeling of being significant. Wives achieve this by two basic premises: Submission and respect. Wives that are respectful of their husbands and give him the proper role in the marriage will find that their husbands are happier men than those who don't. Oh, wait, this isn't my idea, is it? No, it's God's idea!
Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord ... let the wife see to it that she respect her husband (Eph. 5:22, 33).

Interesting! So it would seem that God knows how he built the male of the species and how best to make it operate. Pretty smart, isn't He? Now, ladies, if you could follow that simple advice, you might be surprised at the impact on the men in your life.


  1. As a man I can say I couldn't agree more! My wife and I got the most out of a Focus on the Family CD that had a couple talking about marriage. They said that no where in the Bible will you find a verse that commands a woman to love her husband. Why? Because God created women to naturally love. No where in the Bible will you find a verse that tells a man to respect his wife. Why? Because men are built on respect and know how to use it. What it does say is for women to respect their husband because that is what a man understands and needs. It also says that men need to love their wives because that is what women understand and need. How awesome is that?!?

  2. What about the verse ... love your neighbor as yourself ... here the wife is commanded to love her husband. Your neighbor is not the people in the house next door -- your neighbor are those withIN your own home and all those you come in contact with.

    NOT all men know how to use respect, not even all Christian men.

    It is awesome that God the Father made us different -- men and women. It is for balance. I agree that men do not see sex as the most important thing in their life, but it is high up there -- maybe 2nd or 3rd in most. (Notice I did not say all).

    Respect is needed for both to survive as is love. Both are not feelings but actions -- and we are all called to action.

    A woman's point of view ...

  3. Men want, above all else, to be "somebody", to be recognized, respected, valued.

    As a wife, what words and actions say, "You are somebody, I recognize you, respect and value you?" We wives may think we are doing all the right things...but the husband may still be demanding the entitlement of being the "Somebody", that he thinks he is being begrudged of. When is "enough enough"? Doesn't Jesus say something to men about "Selfishness", the love of self?

  4. LA Christie, it is my opinion that sex is really high up there for so many men primarily because it is so much a part of feeling "signficant". (Nice to hear from you!)

    Laurie, it is also my opinion that most men are not even consciously aware of their need for significance. When you say "... he thinks he is being begrudged of", I don't think this is the aspect of which I am speaking. This desire to be significant is deeper than "think". It is sub-conscious. Men need to feel signficant without necessarily being conscious of that need. In the same way, women need to feel secure (loved), even though they may not be fully aware of it.

    Of course, the other problem is that men are humans. They see things as humans do ... on an entirely individual basis. A wife may think she is saying in words and actions that he is somebody, but his perception may be different, skewed ... even depraved. The trick isn't in what she thinks says "respect", but what he thinks is "respect". (Let me give a simple example. A loving, caring, submissive wife driving along with her husband notices that the off ramp they want is coming up. Being the helpful wife that she is, she points out, "Our off ramp is next." It is not uncommon for many husbands to hear that and interpret it as "You're such a loser you can't even find your own way. Luckily I'm here to point out the off ramp because you're likely too stupid to find it yourself." Now, there was none of that in her words or intent, but that doesn't stop most husbands from hearing it.)

    Primarily, my point is it's not about "love of self" or "selfishness". It's about hard wiring, about how God made males and females. Some men take it to a sinful extreme, and clearly that's a problem. Some men twist it so only sinful inputs make them feel "respected", and that's a problem. But for the most part, most men are simply built by God to need a sense of signficance, just as most women are simply built by God to need a sense of security.

  5. Okay so how is this achieved? I agree a lot with what you shared, but no matter how I try I cannot seem to find the way my husband requires. He tells me some of the things he wants from me so that he feels desired, and yet they are not things I would EVER do out of desire, it seems he would prefer I fake desire and enthusiasm to his "online standards" and "stories other guys have told him about their wives" rather than express it my true way.

    I try to give him respect, but he seems to think respect is me always being thrilled with whatever decisions he makes and giving him none of my input unless it agrees with his opinions.

    Yes, he does want to feel significant. But how do you make somebody feel significant when the ways they want it seem to go against what you believe our core values and morals?

    So what does God mean by respect exactly?

    I agree that sometimes we have to express love and respect in words and actions the person receiving it can comprehend...but how far does this go?

  6. Julianne,

    Wouldn't it be nice if I had the formula? "Here's what you do. Step 1: Say this. Step 2: Do that ..." Sigh. No such formula exists. I'm sorry.

    Each man is different. What says "respect" to me might be thoroughly different from what says "respect" to another. And we must be fair here: What says "respect" to some is purely sinful and cannot be offered. "If you respected me, you'd allow us to have an 'open marriage'", for example, is not an acceptable approach. So there will be cases when a husband can't get what he desires because what he desires is wrong. What says "respect" to him isn't respect; it's humiliation, dominance, overbearing power, greed ... all sorts of sinful things.

    But I don't think this is the norm; I think it's the exception. I think that the normal male will receive the normal display of respect as "respect". I think this other breed is abnormal and in need of far more than "a submissive, respecting wife". They're in need of a complete change that can only be brought on by a relationship with Christ that currently is not there, regardless of what we like to think.

    Perhaps there are steps that can be taken. Communication, for instance, might help. "How can I express my opinions to you without making you feel like I'm challenging you?" "When I feel like you're going the wrong way in something, is there a way I could express it that you wouldn't see as an attack?" That kind of thing. Sometimes it is achieved by doing what might appear to be the opposite. When a wife withdraws and says, "I'm waiting for you to stand up and be the person you need to be" instead of trying to form him into the person she thinks he should be can sometimes make a man see he is respected. It can say, "I know you can do it; I'll wait until you do."

    What does God mean by "respect"? The word used in Eph. 5:33 is phobos -- fear. It is the same word used when the Bible tells us we should "fear God". It is my suspicion that this kind of "respect" doesn't always entail groveling subservience. Sometimes I think it takes "tough love" to show this kind of "respect".

  7. I appreciate your honest and respectful treatment of this topic.

  8. Stan said:
    "I think this other breed is abnormal and in need of far more than "a submissive, respecting wife". They're in need of a complete change that can only be brought on by a relationship with Christ that currently is not there, regardless of what we like to think."

    Julianne says:
    AMEN! and AMEN! It's not all about our words, it is about our actions. What does our life speak?

    Stan said:
    "Perhaps there are steps that can be taken. Communication, for instance, might help. "How can I express my opinions to you without making you feel like I'm challenging you?" "When I feel like you're going the wrong way in something, is there a way I could express it that you wouldn't see as an attack?""

    Julianne says:
    Thank you. I think I will try that approach. It may not work, but it cannot hurt to try. If it did work, maybe it would be a tremendous step forward!

  9. While it is certainly true that Scripture gives no particular list of steps for women in respecting their husbands, (and obeying God in the process) it certainly does lay out some commands in that direction. For example:
    Titus 2: 4That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, 5To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
    and Prov 31:
    10Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
    11The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. 12She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.

    As well as I Peter 3 and myriad other verses. With a wife like that a husband will be able to 'sit in the gates' and will 'rise up and call her blessed'. Such a wife have I.


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