Saturday, September 16, 2006

Trinitarian Orthodoxy

Centuries ago the debate was ended. Several Trinitarian formulas were laid down, the anti-Trinitarian heretics were answered, and the question was over. God is one, and God is three. There are fine points, specific wording, and lots of Scripture. In today's world, however, tradition is valueless, history is meaningless, and orthodoxy is irrelevant. The objections to the doctrine are back in force.

Here's the question I have ... and I mean it's a question. I've argued with myself back and forth and can't come up with a clear answer. This is my question: Is it possible to deny the Trinity and be a Christian?

I worded that carefully. I don't mean that it's required to believe in the Trinity to be saved. When the Philippian jailer asked, "What must I do to be saved?", Paul didn't offer a Trinitarian formula. But Christ said, "My sheep know My voice", and He told His disciples that the Holy Spirit would lead them into all truth. So I don't ask if it's possible not to believe in the Trinity and be saved; I ask if it's possible to deny the Trinity and be saved. Is it possible that a believer, joined to Christ, indwelt by the Spirit, could be presented with the biblical doctrine of the Trinity and deny it. Okay, let's back it up even a little more. Is it possible to continue to deny it and be saved? (I understand change comes slowly sometimes.)

I'm torn on the question. It's not offered as a tenet of faith without which you cannot be saved. No such thing. And it's not like Christians aren't wrong on other things. We're all wrong at times. We're all slow to come to "all truth". Indeed, I don't think any of us ever actually arrive. So I lean toward "Yes, it's possible to deny the Trinity and be saved."

On the other hand, we're not talking about fine points here. We're talking about the nature of God. If one is wrong on the fundamental nature of God, can they be worshiping the same God? A Jehovah's Witness that denies the deity of Christ is not worshiping the same Christ that a Trinitarian is, and Paul said, "No one can say, 'Jesus is Lord,' except by the Holy Spirit" (1 Cor. 12:3). This use of the term "Lord" references "Yah" or YHWH, so Paul said that when you have the Holy Spirit, you will call Jesus "Lord God". A Mormon believes that Jesus was the brother of Satan. This is not the same Jesus of Hebrews which claims that Jesus was not in the same class as angelic beings (Heb. 1). Or, easier yet, a follower of Islam believes in Jesus, but this Jesus is a prophet, not the Son of God Himself. This is not the same Jesus of the Bible. So I lean toward "No, it's not possible to deny the Trinity and be saved."

I'm torn on the question. I can see arguments in either direction. It concerns me in these days when fundamental Trinitarian Orthodoxy is being assaulted again. Is it under assault by well-meaning Christians? Or is it under assault by folks who are deceived into believing they are Christians but are not? Now, mind you, it doesn't matter to me. I know the truth regarding the Trinity. And whether or not those assaulting it are Christians doesn't change it. What matters is if it is not possible to deny the Trinity and be saved, there are people who believe themselves to be saved who are not, and it is for them that I am concerned. Now, if only I could settle the question in my mind.


  1. Is it possible to deny Scripture's Truth and still be a Christian?

  2. I would guess, given that we all deny something that is true in Scripture, that it is possible (or there are no Christians). The real question is how much? Are there fundamental things that cannot be denied and still be "Christian", and, if so, does the true nature of God as Triune fall in that category?


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