Sunday, August 27, 2006

Life Will Find A Way

We live in the Sonoran Desert. That means that we don't get much rain, and that plantlife isn't as plentiful as other places. So while some try to create a "normal" yard, ours is primarily rocks. We make no effort to grow much plantlife here. Our backyard is rocks punctuated by a few cacti. There is no watering system. All these plants get is an occasional squirt from the hose or the desert rains. The ground is hard clay covered by rocks. It is truly an unfriendly place for plants.

Here in the desert we have monsoons in the summer. The rains are hit and miss. Anywhere can get hit, and it's entirely possible that you could get rain in your front yard with nothing in your back yard because that's how it is here. And yet, let a single rainstorm come through, and the yard begins to sprout. Through the rocks and despite the clay soil, from seemingly nowhere, plants begin to shoot up here and there. Some may come from the seed the birds have scattered. Others come from nature's own methods. None of them are expected, but it seems impossible to prevent them.

We are beset these days by assurances that if we don't do something, life on the planet will come to an end. The alarmists warn that we are creating global warming and if we don't stop, we'll cause "rising sea levels, altered patterns of agriculture, increased extreme weather events, and the expansion of the range of tropical diseases". (Wikipedia's article) And others are quite sure that between population explosion (which seems more and more of a myth) and nuclear weapons and the rest, human beings will likely destroy all life on the planet. Oddly, it seems, as evidenced by my desert back yard, and in the words of the good doctor in Jurassic Park, "Life will always find a way." It appears that the Designer of this planet took into account the people He put on it and was a lot smarter at creating than we are at destroying.

1 comment:

  1. "It appears that the Designer of this planet took into account the people He put on it and was a lot smarter at creating than we are at destroying."

    AMEN! Thank you for the reminder. I should know this, but sometimes I forget this truth. That just put a smile on my face and gave me an extra dose of His peace!


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